Author Archives: Rattil Online
Islamic science part 10
Chapter 10/ Prophet Muhammad H () Most of the Quraysh used to send their...
Islamic science part 9
Chapter 9/ The Five Daily Prayers The second pillar of Islam is salah....
Islamic science part 8
Chapter 8/ Al-Adhan (The Call to Prayer) ash-hadu anna muhammadar rasoolullaah I testify...
Islamic science part 7
Chapter 7/ The Five Pillars of Islam 4. Sawm: Fasting in the month of Ramadan....
Islamic science part 6
Chapter 8 / Heavenly Books Allah sent Prophets to guide man. Allah sent guidance to...
Islamic science part 5
Chapter 6 The Messengers of Allah In normal conditions, Allah does not speak to man...
Islamic science part 4
Chapter 4 Allah is All-Hearing (as-Samee’) Allah created us. He created...
Islamic science part 3
Chapter 3/ Allah is the giver of life (al-Muhyee) You can ask these questions about...
Islamic science part 2
Chapter 2 Allah is the Creator (Al-Khaaliq) Allah made everything. He made everything from nothing....
Islamic science part 1
The series aims to acquaint the student with the teachings of Islam in every aspect...