It is the third pillar of the 5 pillars of Islam.It is a kind of worship in which every Muslim has to givemoney to the poor.Zakat is also defined as a part of the wealth that has to bepaid every year for other Muslims to support those most inneed.The main aim of Zakat is to purify our yearly earnings
Who deserves Zakat?
Paying it needs some criteria, and also receiving it needssome criteria.
And here we will know who has to pay it?
This person has to be:
● Muslim.● Sane person.● Adult (past the age of puberty).● His wealth must exceed the value of Nisab.In other words, we can say, every Muslim who past the agewho earns more than his essential need must pay aproportion of his wealth as Zakat.Allah Almighty said in his great book the Holy Quran:
In this verse (103) of Surah Tawba, Allah asked hisMessenger Muhammad (SAW) to ask his people to payZakat in order to purify their money.
There also conditions to receive Zakat which are:
● Poor people who need financial support due to theirlow income. They are named (Fokaraa).● People who don’t have their daily food (Masakin).● People who are employed to distribute it (Amlin).● People who are in captivity (Riqab).● People who are in debt, or who draw money and can’tpay it back (Gharimin).● People who fight for Allah (they are also namedFisabilillah).● Travelers who always suffer (Ibnus Sabil).● People who are new in Islam, or who are friends ofthe Muslim community (Muallaf).So distributing it must be only for those people whodeserve it to obey the rules of Allah.
Is there one type of Zakat?
There are many types of it which we will know here.1. Plant and fruits:The value of Nisab of this type is 610 kilograms of the cropsuch as dates and wheat.This type of Zakat is subdivided into these 2 divisions:a. If the plant is watered by paid water, so the Zakat willbe 5% of the total plant.b. And if the plant is watered by rainwater, so the ratiomust be 10% of the total plant.
2. Zakat of trade offers:
Trade offers are all what muslim have and want to trade.
3. Zakat of banknotes:
It must be a year old.It includes all of the money Muslim has after removingdebts.After removing the debts, take 2.5% of the total amount bymultiplying it by 2.5%.
4. For lands:
This is another type of it in which Muslim has to pay zakatif he wants to rent the land to someone, but if he wants tobuild on it, there will be no Zakat for it.These are some but not all types of Zakat.We must pay it to get Allah’s satisfaction and earningspurification.