Tajweed exits letters, what is the meaning of the director when we use it in the science of Tajweed, which knows the definition and the meaning of the terminology of the director:
It is a name for the place where the letter came out and distinguishes it from others, so the letter qaf, for example, comes out from the extremity of the tongue with what corresponds to it from the upper palate.

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The tref means the end of the thing, so what does the letter mean in the science of Tajweed (idiomatically) is a sound that depends on an investigated or estimated director. We can deduce from these definitions the following.
Tajweed exits letters
That each letter or several letters has a special exit and a different place from which you come out. There is a verified exit: it depends on a specific part of the mouth and an estimated exit:
It does not depend on a specific part of the mouth. What is the benefit or the fruit of studying the exits?
The benefit from knowing the exits is to distinguish letters from each other and thus preserve the tongue from the melody during reading How do we know the director?

In order for us to know we take out the letter, we settle it or tighten it, then we bring a hamza and a rosette before it with a suitable movement, so that when the sound ends, it is the way out.
Now we come to divide the exits and we will follow the famous doctrine in the number of exits, which are five general exits: they contain one or more exits (the jaw – the throat – the tongue – the lips – the gill) and seventeen private exits that contain only one exit, and this will become clear with following the next lessons.
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