If you have heard about it, do you know what it means?
Here we are about to know all that we should know about
Evil eye jealousy.
Evil eye jealousy is the jealousy or envy of someone
towards any person.
Evil eye has a harmful effect on the people, as it may
cause any disease such as lack of money, and even
If there is a person with fortune, beauty, good health, or
any other Grace from Allah, he will be prone to be
attacked by evil eyes at any time.
Evil eye jealousy is a bad sign of people and their
Is the Evil eye mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah?
Of course, It is mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah, andour prophet Muhammad (SAW) has warned us againstenvy.Our prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Two will be in thefire, hateful person and envy person.”Evil eye jealousy is a malignant characteristic one can bedescribed with.Some people try to encounter the Ain “evil eye”, but theywill harm themselves, so the best solution is to protectthemselves from envy in order not to get hurted.When you protect yourself from envious people, this willmake these people feel the same negativity they tried topush to othe r people.What are the different types of Evil eye?Evil eye jealousy has many types that can harm the
affected people, these types are:
1. Ayn: it is a look from people who don’t wish evil foryou and for your life.2. Hasad: it is an evil eye from some person who hatesyou, and wants every good thing with you to beremoved.3. Nafs: when a person admires himself.4. Nathra: it is defined as the look of Jinn to someonewith an evil eye.Evil eye symptoms:The afflicted person with an evil eye may have somesymptoms.These symptoms may appear or may not.Unfortunately, these symptoms if present can not betreated by doctors.
The symptoms of evil eye are:
Some envied persons are pale, depressed and angrywithout any reason.The envied persons also feel their shoulders and headsheavy and can’t be easily moved.The affected persons tends to be aloneIt is important to say that, if we encounter any kind ofdifficulties in our life, we have to ask Allah only to removeit, and also we have to become near to Allah.As believers, we have not to be paranoid About evil eyejealousy, this panic will make you away from Allah and thisis a bad sign for you as a Muslim.How to protect yourself from an Evil eye?Avoiding envy is an important and first step in protectingyourself.Roquia is the most important step that protects you fromany bad things not only from Evil eye jealousy.Also Adhkar has a very good benefit in this protection.You have to be near to Allah.Wish Allah protect you from any bad thing! Ameen…..