Every beginning must have an end. And Jannah is thebest end for believers.Description of Jannah gives us a chance to find everythingwe dream, everything we love, and everything we lovedbut can’t get in the world.And Allah promised us with Jannah if we obey his rules,and We all hope to spend our hereafter there.Here, we will know description of Jannah as mentioned inthe Quran, and sunnah.Upon describing it, one will find that Jannah is full ofendless surprises.Description of Jannah is beyond imagination, and any trialfor describing it is used to give an idea of what it would belike. Upon putting your first steps in Jannah, you will getcomplete comfort, and complete happiness, and you willalso forget all days full of pain.You will see the angels standing guard opening the doorfor you to enter saying salam.
How it looks from the outside?
When we enter Jannah insha’allah, and look at it from theoutside, we will find out that its width is as big as theheavens and the earth, walls made from gold and silverbricks and the ground will be saffron, rubies, and gems.The soil of its ground has the smell of amber, and thereare 4 rivers in Jannah which are: milk, honey, wine, andwater.It will be different from any description of Jannah we haveheard about in the world.
What about foods and drinks?
Everything you need will be in front of you.On description of Jannah, you have to know that there willbe no heat nor cold, there is only shade on you, andbranches of all types of fruits that you can pick easily.As being in your kingdom, there will be young boys whodo their best to serve you.These young boys serve you wine, but the wine there willnot be as the wine here. As it doesn’t make anyintoxication, or headache.You will hear music, but of course this music is not as themusic of this world.You will be lucky if you go to Jannah, there you will findhawd al kawther, prophet Muhammad will be standingthere to give you drinks.While presence in Jannah, you will hear a voice calling“Oh, people of Jannah!, Allah promised you and he wantsto fulfill his promise”It is the sight of Allah! Is there anything greater than this?Another voice appears saying “you have another promisefrom Allah, You will live here forever, you will never die,you will never be sick, you will stay young, here there isonly delight and no sadness.
Is the clothes of Jannah different from those we are used to?
Of course, it is totally different. You will hear silk clothes, ifyou need anything that comes to your mind it will be infront of your eyes without speaking or voicing it.So, make the Jannah you target, and work hard to get it.