The provisions of intonation in the Quran, Tajweed in Islam is a science by which the method of pronouncing Quran words and phrases is known as Muhammad bin Abdullah (the Prophet of Islam) (may Allah prayers and peace be upon HIM) (may Allah bless HIM and grant him peace) is taken orally on behalf of a sheikh or professor who has a license to teach intonation.
The provisions of intonation in the Quran
The extension is the lengthening of the sound with one of the three vowels (a, a, and j) when meeting a hamza or sukoon.
The letters of the Qalqla are five letters, which are Q – T – B – C – D, which is a group in the word Qutb Jad.
And it is when the letter is at the end of the word and is stressed, like the Baa in (Repent the hand of Abi Lahab and repent)
If the letter Al-Qalqilah is dependent on it and it is not accented, for example, the letter Ta’a Fi (And God is behind them are surroundings).

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The least of them:
If the letter Al-Qalqala falls in the middle of the word, for example, the letter qaf in (and we created you in pairs) the Basmalah, the endowment on them, the endowment on seeking refuge, the connection of the basmalah to the beginning of the recitation, the prayer of seeking refuge in the basmalah and the endowment on them, and the prayer of seeking refuge in the Basmalah and its connection with the first reading.
It is interrupting the sound for a period of time during which the reader usually breathes with the intention of resuming reading.
Getting started
It is the resumption of reading after the endowment. The rulings of the nun consonants and the tanwen: the nun consonant: is the letter of the spelling fixed in the construction of the word and has no movement and is in the noun, verb or letter, and it is a middle and a limb.

It is noun, a plentiful consonant, which is attached to the last names by a
phoneme, not a mistake, and they connect, not a stop. And its provisions are
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