
Tajweed Quran provisions, the Tajweed in the language means: doing something good, and in terminology, scholars defined it as:

It is a science by which it is known to extract each letter from its output, and has its own characteristics.

And this knowledge reached us through trustworthy imams, who laid down its principles and devised its rulings, through the reading of the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – the tradition, his companions, and the followers.

Tajweed Quran provisions

Tajweed provisions complete

The Tajweed scholars divided this science into several sections, in order to facilitate the Muslim’s understanding of it, and in what follows an explanation of it in detail. Rulings on seeking refuge and Basmalah The ruling on seeking refuge is a recommended Sunnah.

It is required when reading the Noble Quran, even though it is not part of it, and some have said that its ruling is obligatory, especially when starting to read, even if the reading is from the beginning of the surah.

It is Sunnah to seek refuge in aloud in two cases, namely:

When reading a Muslim in public places, celebrations, meetings, and the like.

When a Muslim teaches and teaches others, so that the attendees pay attention and listen to the reading from its beginnings.

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Tajweed Quran provisions

He is pleased to seek refuge in four cases, which are:

When a Muslim recites the Quran secretly.

A Muslim performs the prayer.

When the Muslim recites in dawr and in order, where the recitation is open with the congregation and he is not the one who begins to recite.

When it is empty, whether the reading is secret or aloud.

As for baslama, it is a carved word from them saying:

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and at Hafs it is considered obligatory to recite at the beginning of every surah, except at the beginning of Surat Baraa.

As for the Baslama in the middle of the surah, the Muslim has the choice in reading it, so if he wants to be graciously, and if he wants it is sufficient to seek refuge alone.

But if the basmalah falls between two surahs, then there are four possible aspects to that, and they are:

Cut all:

This means cutting the end of the surah from the basmalah, and cutting the

basmala from the beginning of the next surah as well, and this is

considered permissible according to Sharia.

The Basmalah arrived at the beginning of the next surah: This is a

permissible face as well.

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Connect all:

This means connecting the Basmalah with the surah that precedes it, and

with the surah that follows it as well, and this is also permissible.

Connect the end of the surah to the Basmalah:

And that is when it is cut off from the first of the next surah, and this aspect

is considered abstaining from Shari’ah because it deludes the listener that

the Basmalah belongs to the end of the previous surah.

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