
How To Pray Tahajjud And Relax Your Heart?

Tahajjud, the night prayer, holds a special place in Islam. Tahajjud functions beyond its status as a prayer because it enables believers to attain a profound union with Allah through the stillness of nighttime. The practice of Tahajjud provides people with unmatched peace, which functions as heart and mind relaxation.

People who pray Tahajjud regularly strengthen their bond with Allah while finding serenity during the difficulties of their daily activities. Daily practice of Tahajjud prayer will change your spiritual adventure by placing inner peace alongside life purpose at the core of your heart.

How To Pray Tahajjud?

  • Explanation Of Tahajjud Prayer Along With Its Religious Significance

Tahajjud represents a completely voluntary Islamic worship that takes place between the completion of Isha and the beginning of Fajr. Muslims find the Tahajjud prayer highly vital to Islam because of its great spiritual benefits.

Throughout his life, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) maintained Tahajjud prayer as a habit, and previous righteous individuals followed his example. The prayer expresses devoutness, humility, and a believer’s deep affection for Allah.

  • The Best Time To Pray Tahajjud

The proper timetable to offer Tahajjud falls in the last segment of nighttime. At this tranquil period, the world remains quiet as most distractions disappear. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Our Lord descends to the lowest heaven during the last third of the night, asking: ‘Who is calling upon Me that I may answer? Who is asking me if I may give? Who is seeking My forgiveness that I may forgive?’” (Bukhari & Muslim).

  • The Rewards And Virtues Of Tahajjud In The Quran And Hadith

The Quran highlights the significance of Tahajjud in several verses. Allah says in Surah Al-Isra (17:79), “And from [part of] the night, pray with it as additional [worship] for you; it is expected that your Lord will resurrect you to a praised station.” This prayer brings immense blessings, forgiveness, and closeness to Allah.

How To Pray Tahajjud Step By Step?

  • Step 1: Intention For Tahajjud

You must establish a sincere niyyah as the primary step for performing any worship including Tahajjud. To make an intention for prayer, you just need to put this purpose in your heart rather than say it aloud.

  • Step 2: Sleeping And Waking Up For Prayer

People have the habit of falling asleep right after performing the Isha prayer before getting up during nighttime hours to say their Tahajjud prayer. Using an alarm or obtaining wake-up assistance from another person will help you get up successfully. Traditional practice advises people to sleep after Isha before performing prayer, although some individuals choose to stay awake instead.

  •  Step 3: Performing Wudu (Ablution)

The requirement of performing Wudu applies to prayer readiness. According to Islam, before establishing this religious connection, you need to be clean since the preparation of body and mind depends on cleanliness.

  • Step 4: Choosing The Number Of Rakats (Minimum 2)

The number of rakats you pray depends solely on what your ability allows. You can begin your tahajjud prayer with small numbers of rakats since Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) often performed eight, but you should aim to grow the number gradually with practice.

  • Step 5: Reciting Surahs In Tahajjud Prayer

The essential Surah Al-Fatiha should be recited within each rakat before selecting any Surah from the Quran to continue your prayer. Several people choose longer Surahs for Tahajjud prayer but accept shorter Surahs. End the recitation while you deeply connect with the meaning of the words.

  • Step 6: Making Heartfelt Dua After Prayer

Supplication constitutes one of the most beautiful elements of Tahajjud because you can offer dua following your Prayer completion. Talk with Allah using genuine feelings to request His forgiveness and receive guidance and peace. The acceptance rate of your prayers is at its peak during this period.

How To Pray Tahajjud And Witr

  • Understanding Witr Prayer And Its Significance

After Tahajjud, the recommended Witr prayer needs an odd number of rakats. Muslims view Witr as their central nighttime dedication because it functions as the last prayer of the night.

  • Should Witr Be Prayed With Or After Tahajjud?

People can perform Witr prayer immediately after Isha or following their Tahajjud session. People often perform Witr following Tahajjud since it serves as their nightly prayer completion.

  • How Many Rakats For Witr And The Dua Recited

Witr prayer consists of one to five to seven or more rakats whose numbers must be odd. In the final position of worship, one should recite Dua Qunoot to request guidance from Allah and seek his forgiveness and protection.

Benefits Of Tahajjud For The Heart And Mind

  • Spiritual Connection And Inner Peace

When you perform the Tahajjud prayer, you establish a profound bond with Allah. Praying during nighttime brings full attention to your connection with God through silence, cultivating inner peace within your heart.

  • Strengthening Faith And Seeking Forgiveness

Fulfilling Tahajjud practices enhances faith and allows one to find Allah’s pardon. By seeking Him during night prayers, we discover that Allah loves nature because He accepts our prayers in those silent hours.

  • Tahajjud Helps Manage Stress And Anxiety

Tahajjud wakes up. Rituals relax the mind and decrease stress. When you express your deepest feelings to Allah in dua, you will find relief from anxiety since He has absolute control over everything.

Tips For Making Tahajjud A Habit

  • Sleeping Early And Setting An Alarm

To make Tahajjud a regular habit, one must start sleeping early. Set an alarm or ask someone to wake you up in the middle of the night. Gradually, your body will adjust to this routine.

  • Starting With A Few Rakats And Increasing Gradually

Start with only two rakats if you are a newcomer to Tahajjud. Once you become comfortable, gradually increase the rakats. Quantity is less important than quality.

  • Dua For Consistency In Prayer

Make Dua for Allah to assist you in making this a habitual practice. Pure intention makes this beautiful practice effortless to keep going.

In The End

Tahajjud is a powerful way of getting closer to Allah and achieving peace in your heart. It promotes spiritual growth, forgiveness, and relief from life’s stresses. Following the steps outlined and gradually building a routine will help you experience the transformative effects of this night prayer.

 Consider online Quran classes to improve your prayer techniques and Tajweed. Rattil Online provides courses that help strengthen your recitation and increase your understanding of the Quran. Enjoy the beauty of Tahajjud and be guided towards a peaceful and fulfilling life.

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