How to learn the Quran with Tajweed online, The most important project in the life of the believer is memorizing the Noble Quran.
This project may completely change your life, and our first advice to you while on the path to memorizing the Quran is to start listening to the Quran every day for as long as possible.
Start from the surah that you like and think is easy to memorize, and try to listen to this surah ten times or twenty times, then open the Quran to this surah and you will find that it is familiar to you and easy to memorize because it will be printed in your brain cells after listening to it the largest number of times!
But during memorization, divide the surah into a number of passages according to the linguistic meaning, and start reading the first section and repeat it until you memorize it, then repeat the second section until you memorize it, and so on until the end of the surah.
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How to learn the Quran with Tajweed online
2- Make your concern pleasing Allah
Do not make your concern to memorize the Quran in order to be said about you that you
have memorized the Book of Allah, Learn Quran online but rather let your intention be that
you memorize the Quran in order to please Allah and to draw closer to Allah and to realize who Allah is.
Whoever would like to know who Allah is, Learn Quran online with tajweed let him read the Book of Allah Almighty!
So the intention is important during memorization and Allah will facilitate the memorization
of the Quran, but on the condition that the intention is saved, and that your concern is
to please Allah first and foremost.
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3- Make sure to listen to the Quran while sleeping
Scientists found that the brain remains in an active state during sleep, Learn Quran online
with tajweed as it processes the information is stored throughout the day, arranges it, and
coordinates it in special cells.
After long research, it has been found that the brain of a sleeping human can distinguish, analyze, and store sounds as well.
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If we know that a person spends a third of his life asleep, we can realize the importance
of listening to the Quran while sleeping as a way to help you memorize the Quran without making any effort.