Intensive Course ( level 4 ) AlFatihah & Hadeeth

Surat al-Faatihah (The Opening) (Revealed in Makkah) The translation of the meaning of the surah...

Intensive course ( level 4 ) some surahs of the Qur'aan

Surat al-lkhlaas    In the Name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful.    (1 )...

Memorize the sayings of the Prophet

Memorize the sayings of the Prophet ().    1 . “Say Bismillaah, eat with your...

Ar-Risaalah (The Message) & Al-Akhirah

Ar-Risaalah (The Message)    Ar-Risaalah is an Arabic word which means message. It is man’s...

Sheikh Ismail bin Musa, the Mufti of the Muslims in Zimbabwe

Sheikh Ismail bin Musa, the Mufti of the Muslims in Zimbabwe, of Yemeni origin speaks...

Who is Professor No’man Ali Khan?

Who is Professor No’man Ali Khan?   I consider myself fortunate to have found the...

How to search for a Quran and Arabic language online ?

Advice to anyone who wants to learn Arabic language online from other speakers and who...

Some Acts of Worshipin the ten days

Some acts of worship  in the ten days:   There is no doubt that worshiping...

The properties of the Ten Days

The properties of the Ten Days :    For the first ten days of the...

The Ten Days of Dhu Al-Hijjah ( Introduction )

Introduction :   Praise be to Allah who has bestowed upon us the grace of...