It is impossible to ask any Muslim about Firdaws and findno answer.All Muslims and almost non Muslims have heard aboutFirdaws.All humans know Allah, some believe in Allah, and othersdon’t believe in him.It is not logic to talk about God’s blessings withoutknowing Allah himself.All words can’t describe him, his power, and his blessings.Allah is the only force that can be found in the world, andhe is the only army you can depend on him.Allah promised his believers to reward them with it if theyobey his rules and avoid what he had forbidden.What is “Firdaws meaning”:All Muslims who believed in Allah, his books, hismessengers, and the day of Judgement, will get Firdawsas Allah promised them.This word means “Jannah” ; it is not a single Jannah, butmany of them.There are the highest and the lowest Firdaws, accordingto the human action in Donia.It is featured by its beautiful beauty, located in the highestand the middle site, and all rivers of Jannah originate fromit.It is important to say that Jannah contains what we can’timagine or describe.All words can’t describe this Jannah and its blessings.To win this Jannah, it is important to work hard, and doyour best to get it.Allah showed to us the right path, and the wrong one andasked us to take the right path to win this great reward.Firdaws is difficult but it is not impossible, your duty is toobey the rules of Allah, recite Shahada, pray yourobligatory prayers, fast Ramadan, pay your Zakat, andvisit the House of Allah if you can, these are called the 5pillars of Islam.If you do these 5 pillars of Islam, you will win Allah’ssatisfaction and his Jannah.
How to get Firdaws?
As we said before, it is difficult but not impossible, butwhen you intend to win it, Allah will help you and he willmake it easy for you.
To get this great reward from Allah you have to do thesethings:
● Khushoo in the prayer: that means the humility andthe attendance of the heart in your prayer.● Praying all prayers at their exact times.● Performing honesty to its owners, that will be yourchance to go to Jannah.All good things you do are considered your path to winJannah especially Firdaws.
What is the Dua of Firdaws?
There is a specific Dua every Muslim can recite to askAllah for it.This Dua is “Allahumma enny as’aluka al Firdaws a’la alJannah.”The meaning of this Duaa is that, oh Allah! I ask you forFirdaws that is the highest level in Jannah.All days and nights with their hard work will be crowned byFirdaws on the day of Judgement.We are here in Donia to be there with Allah after death.Work hard and do your best to get this great reward, anddon’t give up.See More : What every Muslim has to know about Taraweeh prayers