

How To Pray Tahajjud And Relax Your Heart?


Islam considers Tahajjud as one of the most powerful voluntary prayer experiences that deepens spiritual connection. Believers perform this night prayer to communicate with Allah (SWT) when they seek solitude beyond worldly interruptions. Performing Tahajjud prayer brings believers peace to their hearts together with faith, strength and mental relaxation.

  • According to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), followers should perform Tahajjud because it is among the greatest worship practices after mandatory prayers.
  • According to the teachings of the Quran and Hadith, Muslims can obtain Allah’s blessings, mercy, and forgiveness through Tahajjud prayer.

The following guide provides explanations about Tahajjud as well as its virtues and the proper prayer method alongside its advantages. This guide contains both theoretical information about Tahajjud prayers alongside practical advice which leads to making Tahajjud a permanent daily habit.

How to Pray Tahajjud

Tahajjud stands as an optional night prayer that holds remarkable importance for believers.

Tahajjud is a voluntary night religious ritual that believers perform by praying between Isha and Fajr, with special preference during the final portion of the night. Tahajjud is an important Sunnah Muakkadah that delivers massive spiritual prizes to those who perform it.

Allah (SWT) mentions Tahajjud in the Quran:

Allah tells us to conduct Tahajjud prayer at any time throughout the night because he may raise us to an honourable status.

(Surah Al-Isra 17:79)

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

The most valuable optional nighttime prayer which follows the required daily prayers is the night prayer (Tahajjud).

(Sahih Muslim)

The Best Time to Perform Tahajjud

Though Tahajjud can be performed anytime from Isha to Fajr, the best time is the last third of the night. It is at this time Allah (SWT) comes down to the seventh heaven and favours the one who is supplicating on behalf of Him.

The Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Our Lord comes down to the seventh heaven during the last third of the night and says: ‘Who is invoking Me, so I may respond? Who is asking Me, so I may give? Who is seeking My forgiveness, so I may pardon them?'”

(Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

The Rewards and Virtues of Tahajjud

  • Forgiveness of sins
  • Strengthening of faith and patience
  • Spiritual enlightenment and wisdom
  • Relief from stress, anxiety, and sadness
  • Attaining closeness to Allah (SWT)

Acceptance of Duas and Advice In Life

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) narrated:

“Keep to the night prayer, for it was the practice of the pious elders among you. It is a means of closeness to Allah, a shield against sin, and redemption of evil acts.”

(Sunan At-Tirmidhi)

Step-by-Step Guide to Praying Tahajjud

Step 1: Make an Intention (Niyyah)

Prior to the prayer of Tahajjud, set a genuine intention in your mind. It should not be necessary to recite it loudly, but your heart must be made up to try and appease Allah.

Step 2: Sleep and Rise for Tahajjud

Rest for a time before getting up for Tahajjud. The Prophet (PBUH) practised this when he slept and got up at the end of the night to offer prayer.

Step 3: Do Wudu (Ablution) If Necessary

If you do not have wudu, do ablution prior to proceeding with Tahajjud. If you are wudu, you can proceed with your prayer.

Step 4: Choose the Number of Rakats

  • Minimum: 2 Rakats
  • No limit; the Prophet (PBUH) used to pray 8 Rakats or more

Step 5: Recite Surahs in Tahajjud Prayer

In each Rakat, following Surah Al-Fatiha, recite any Surah. Most scholars recommend:

  • Surah Al-Ikhlas
  • Surah Al-Falaq
  • Surah An-Nas

Step 6: Make Heartfelt Dua After Prayer

After completing Tahajjud, sit and make dua. Request Allah (SWT) for:

  • Forgiveness and mercy
  • Guidance and wisdom
  • Peace and success in life

How to Pray Tahajjud and Witr

Ways to Understand Witr Prayer

Witr prayer is an odd-numbered prayer (1, 3, 5 Rakats) typically prayed after Isha or after Tahajjud.

Whether to Pray Witr With or After Tahajjud

  • If you are sure you will wake up for Tahajjud, pray Witr after Tahajjud.
  • If you are not sure, pray Witr after Isha.

How Many Rakats for Witr and the Dua Recited

The Prophet (PBUH) usually prayed one or three Rakats for Witr and recited:

  • Surah Al-Fatiha
  • Surah Al-Ikhlas
  • Surah Al-Falaq
  • Surah An-Nas
  • Dua “Allahumma inni asta’inuka.”

Advantages of Tahajjud for the Heart and Mind

  1. Spiritual Bond and Inner Peace

Tahajjud strengthens our bond with Allah and brings us closer to Him.

  1. Fruition of Faith and Forgiveness

The Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Whoever stands in prayer at night with sincere faith, all their past sins will be forgiven.”

(Sahih Al-Bukhari)

  1. Mitigating Stress and Anxiety through Tahajjud

Tahajjud brings mental clarity and is used to mitigate anxiety and sadness.

Some Tips on How to Make Tahajjud a Routine

  • Go to bed early so that waking up will not be a hassle
  • Start with two Rakats and gradually build on them
  • Set an alarm or have someone wake you up
  • Recite dua for a routine and pray to Allah to guide you


Tahajjud is a powerful and silent prayer that calls for relaxation, direction, and a powerful connection with Allah. Developing the habit of Tahajjud brings blessings, forgiveness, and peace into our lives.

For your prayer and Tajweed to be impeccable, join Rattilonline, where qualified tutors guide students through Quran recitation and moral development. Build your Tahajjud habit today and experience the night prayer transformative power!

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