Have you ever heard about Shahada?
Every Muslim knows what is ment by Shahada. Shahada is the basic statement when one convert to Islamfrom any other religion.What is the meaning of Shahada?
It means that no God other than Allah, And Muhammad (SAW) is his messenger. In other words with the same meaning we should say that Shahada means “The oneness of God, and the acceptance of Muhammad as his prophet”. To be a Muslim, you have to recite it not only with your tongue, but also with your heart. When you recite Shahada you confess that your only God is Allah, prophet Muhammad (SAW) is his messenger, and you will obey the rules of Allah. We also have to know that there are 5 pillars of Isalm, and Shahada is the first and the most important one of them. Everyone needs to convert to Islam has to recite it 3 times, with understsnding the meaning of it to be accepted from Allah. They have to recite it in Arabic language and have to say “Ashahu an la Ellah ella Allah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadun Rasulu Allah”.“أشهد أن لا إله إلا االله ، وأشهد أن محمداً رسول االله”
As we said before, to make sure your Islam, you have to believe in these 2 parts of Shahada, the first which is the only God is Allah, and the second part that is the prophethood of Muhammad (SAW). These 2 phrases are the core of Tawheed. These 2 phrases are not present in the Quran but are indifferent Hadiths.