Tajweed Holy Quran methods, Tajweed is considered one of the noblest and greatest sciences in Islamic law; This is due to its attachment to the Book of God Almighty, and how to read it carefully and carefully.
The people of the Noble Quran and the science of Tajweed are those whom God has chosen, and he has singled out them from other people by memorizing his words and making them servants of his book.
So they set the rules and foundations that control the Muslim’s reading of the Noble Quran, and protect it from entering it from any melody or tune-in.

Scholars of the Quran and the sciences related to it have named the science of Tajweed that they set of rules and foundations derived from the reading of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.
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Which has become, at the present time, its issues that are concerned with the Quran pronouncement, and how it is pronounced correctly.
In this article, the topic of intonation of the Noble Quran will be explained in terms of the meaning of intonation in language and convention, the ruling on intonation of the Holy Quran, its importance, and some rulings related to the science of intonation in terms of issues, virtues, and rulings.
Ruling on reciting the Holy Quran
The ruling on intonation of the Noble Quran is divided into two parts: According to what is meant by Tajweed, and their statement is as follows:
Scientific and theoretical intonation, or intonation in terms of knowledge of rules and rulings, from a theoretical standpoint, and its ruling is a sufficient obligation.
Practical and applied intonation; For example, if the reciter extends in the position of the tide, is silent in the place of silence, and brings the rhetoric in its place, without distorting the letter or changing it, taking into account taking it out from its proper way out, this type of intonation differed in the ruling of scholars.
In that, they follow two schools of thought: the principles of intonation must be taken into account, and those who neglect it are sinful.
That is, it is obligatory for everyone who reads the Quran, and it is equal in that if it is attached to the letter, and what changes its meaning and its structure, or with the rulings that scholars have put forth. Such as concealment, showing and the like.
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However, it is stipulated that there should not be an excuse that prevents the reader from reciting intonation. Such as slurred speech, difficulty speaking, or difficulty reaching mastery.
Taking into account the preservation of the syntactic movements, and the meaning not changing, and to that went the scholars of Tajweed from the earlier and some later.
Adopting matters of intonation is considered a legitimate duty, the reader of the Quran is sinning if he abandons it, and this is all that leads to a change in the building or corrupts the meaning.
Among the issues of intonation is what is considered an industrial duty. The scholars required it to complete the mastery of reading, such as slurring, showing, and concealing.
These issues do not sin the reader not to do it, and to that went the scholars of Tajweed and late readings.