
Benefits of Tajweed science, to recite the Holy Quran is of great importance; Reading the Noble Quran is one of the greatest closeness and the best obedience with which a servant draws closer to God Almighty.

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Benefits of Tajweed 
Benefits of Tajweed science

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Benefits of Tajweed science

The science of Tajweed is considered one of the most noble and important of sciences, and it has many benefits that accrue to the reader of the Holy Quran, and among the most prominent of these benefits are the following:

With intonation, the tongue is preserved, and it is protected from melody and error in the recitation of the Book of God Almighty.

By reciting the Quran verses, the servant receives a great reward, and a great reward from God Almighty.

The intonation of Quran verses is a reason for people to love reciting and listening to the Holy Quran.

It also makes them conservative to perform prayers in the mosque.

And performing Tarawih prayers during the month of Ramadan; All this is when the imam recites the Holy Quran in his prayer with the rulings of recitation and intonation.

Tajweed straightens the reader’s tongue and trains him in eloquence.

And it is proven by the authentic hadiths of the Prophet, and this quality is not achieved unless the reader takes into account the principles of reading and its foundations, and the rulings of recitation.

Benefits of Tajweed 
Benefits of Tajweed science

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On the other hand, from the completeness and completeness of memorizing

the Noble Quran; That the manner in which it is read is preserved; In terms

of the correct pronunciation, and the sound pronunciation far from any

error, away from melody and correction.

As for how to access how the Quran is read: It is through receiving and

lip-smacking; This method is achieved by the good voice of the reader, the

quality of the recitation, and the accuracy of the performance.

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