Islam has given us various duas and phrases that we can use in everyday life to earn rewards and become better Muslims. Saying these phrases also helps us get closer to Allah and reaffirm that everything is under His control. MashAllah is one of these phrases that Muslims use quite frequently in their daily lives. It is crucial to know the meaning of MashAllah so you can use it correctly and earn rewards. Let’s find out ma sha Allah meaning and when to use the phrase!
What Does MashAllah Mean?
MashAllah is an Arabic phrase that can be translated to “as God has willed it”. It is used to express praise for Allah after witnessing something great or beautiful. The masha Allah meaning shows that it is a way of showing respect to Allah by praising Him for creating beauty. It is also said to protect someone or something from the evil eye. The phrase is not only used by Muslims but also by Arabic-speaking Christians.
What Does MashAllah Brother Mean?
MashAllah is often combined with different words to emphasize the point. The phrase mashAllah brother is used when talking to a brother in Islam and expressing respect without invoking jealousy. The mashAllah brother meaning is “as God has willed it, brother” and can be used to appreciate someone doing a good deed or achieving a goal.
When Do You Say MashAllah?
Knowing the meaning of the phrase isn’t enough, you should also know when to say mashAllah and when not to say it. Here are some of the instances when saying mashAllah is permissible:
• When you see something beautiful, you can praise Allah for creating it.
• When you see a cute child or pet but don’t want them to be affected by evil eye.
• When someone shares good news like passing an exam or getting a promotion, you can say mashAllah to express happiness free of jealousy for them.
In short, every time you see or hear something that amazes you, you can say mashAllah to express gratitude towards Allah. The phrase not only protects against the evil eye but also helps you earn rewards for doing “dhikr”. It helps you remember Allah and His power at all times and makes you feel grateful for being blessed with the sight and hearing that lets you enjoy beautiful things.
How to Reply to MashAllah?
Islam has taught Muslims different ways to maximize their rewards with Allah. Simply responding to Salam can make Muslims earn “naikiyan” or good deeds. Every good deed is recorded and will be rewarded by Allah on the day of judgment. Now that you have learned the meaning of mashAllah, it is also important to know the response to mashAllah so you can earn rewards.
There are different ways you can respond to mashAllah to express your gratitude to the speaker. One of the most common responses to mashAllah is ‘Alhamdulilah’ which translates to “all praises be to Allah.” Responding with alhamdulillah means you are acknowledging the compliment while also expressing gratitude towards Allah for blessing you.
Another way to respond to mashAllah is with ‘JazakAllah Khair’ which means “may Allah bless you with goodness”. It is one step further than simply saying ‘thank you’ to someone in response to mashAllah. By replying with this phrase, you are praying for them to be rewarded by Allah for saying mashAllah.
Learn Islamic Duas & Phrases
Allah has made it very easy for Muslims to do good deeds and earn rewards. Even greeting someone with Salam will make you earn rewards. Learning Islamic duas and phrases is not only important for earning rewards but also for praising Allah and getting closer to Him. When you make it a habit to say Islamic phrases like mashAllah in your everyday life, you start becoming a better Muslim who is always aware of the power and might of Allah.
However, while you learn these duas and phrases, you should also know their meaning and when you should use them. If you want to learn and understand Islamic phrases and know when to use them, you can sign up for one of the courses with RattilOnline. Check out the list of courses at RattilOnline and find the one that will be suitable for you!
How to use mashallah in a sentence?
If you are unsure how to use mashAllah in a sentence, the following examples can help you:
• Your baby is so cute, mashAllah.
• Ahmad has passed his exams, mashAllah
Is it OK to write mashallah?
Yes, the correct way to write it as mashAllah. It is an Arabic phrase that translates to, “as Allah has willed”. You can learn more Islamic phrases and duas by signing up for one of the courses at RattilOnline.