In Islam there are many types of Hadith, and we will knowall of them.All of us know the three sources of legislation in Islam, andthese sources are:● The Holy Quran.● Hadith.● And comparison between situations.Here we will know types of Hadith in Islam, and all thatshould be known about Hadith.
What is Hadith, and Hadith meaning:
The meaning of Hadith in Islam:Hadith in Islam is all what the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)said, or did.Hadith also includes the attributes of the beloved Prophet(SAW).As Muslims, we must make the Messenger our example toget Allah’s satisfaction.The source of Hadith:All actions of the Prophet (SAW) are from Allah that wassent to Him by revelation; so all Muslims must believe inHadith as it is not written by humans, but it was sent fromAllah.We are here to know the types of Hadith that werementioned in Islam.
Importance of Hadith:
Before knowing types of Hadith, we have to know Itsimportance.As we know, Hadith is the second source of legislation inIslam, and has a role not less important than the HolyQuran.The importance of Hadith also will be clear when we knowthat it explains the Verses of the Holy Quran, and showstheir meanings.
Types of Hadith:
As a second reliable source of Islam, Hadith has manytypes in Islam.These types are:1. Hadith Sahih:It is the Genuine Hadith that has no weakness in its Isnad(chain of transmission), or in its Matn (text).The Genuine Hadith also has no contradiction of any kindof the established beliefs of Islam.We can say that “Hadith Sahih” is a name that was givento a “Faultless Hadith.2. Hadith Hasan:It is also called fair Hadith; as it is similar to genuineHadith.The difference between Hadith Sahih and Hadith Hasan isthat the Narrator of the second type has defective memorycompared to those of the first type.3. Hadith Dhaif:This is the third type of types of Hadith in Islam, in whichone or more of the Narrators are considered unreliable.In this type of Hadith, some serious doubts can be raised.4. Forged Hadith:Is the last type, and it is totally forged Hadith.Forged Hadith is also called (Maudu).(Maudu Hadith) also called “Fabricated” Hadith havingwording opposite to the confirming Prophetic (PBUH)traditions.
Composition of Hadith in Islam:
Hadith in Islam consists of 3 main components:1. Matn:It means the content of Hadith that is the main component,and the most attractive part to the reader.“Matn” tells us about the right way of actions in differentsituations of life.2. Isnad:It is Also one of the main components, it is a series ofcorrespondents through which hadith has spread.3. Taraf:Is the introductory text, and it is also the reference towardsthe personality of our Prophet’s life.
Hadith VS Quran:
The holy Quran is the word of Allah that was sent fromHim to His Messenger Muhammad (SAW).Hadith also is sent from Allah through the beloved Prophet(SAW).No one can neglect the link between the Holy Quran andHadith; as Hadith illustrates and shows the meaning of theVerses of the Holy Quran.It is important to say that the Holy Quran, and Hadithcomplement each other. In fact, they are antithetical toone another.Some Muslims say that the Holy Quran is the primarysource, and so should override the false Hadith, howeverauthentic they are claimed to be.The fact about Hadith VS Quran is that there is a strongrelationship between themSee More : Hadith of the day