
Method of completing the Quran twice in Ramadan, the month of Ramadan is a blessed month, and during this month Muslims try to draw closer to God Almighty with all acts of worship, such as praying in mosques, praying naafil prayers, Tarawih prayers, night prayers, and reading the Quran with forethought and understanding. And he mentioned praise, cheer and takbeer, and supplication.

In the hadith about the Noble Quran, the Muslim seeks to complete it in this blessed month. It was reported that Imam al-Shafi’i, may God have mercy on him, used to complete the Noble Quran twice a day. Could the Muslim of us not seal it twice a month?

Method of completing the Quran twice in Ramadan

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Method of completing the Quran twice in Ramadan

The first conclusion

The entire reading of the Holy Quran is ended in the first fifteen days of Ramadan. So that two parts are read every day, and since one part of the Holy Quran contains twenty pages, a person will have to read forty pages per day.

Then he divides these pages according to the obligatory prayers, and recites ten pages after each prayer, and because the time between sunset and dinner is short, the Muslim should use it for other things than reading, such as praying naafil prayers, and remembering God Almighty.

After the person follows this method that way upon reaching the fifteenth day of Ramadan, he will have completed the reading for the first time.

The second conclusion

The person who wishes to complete the Quran for the second time must

bear in mind that the remaining days for him may be fifteen days, or

fourteen days. Because the month of Ramadan sometimes is thirty days,

and other times twenty-nine days.

Therefore, the number of days remaining for him for the second khimah is

fourteen, as he follows the same plan that he followed in the first.

Method of completing the Quran twice in Ramadan

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