Chapter 7/ The Five Pillars of Islam
4. Sawm:
Fasting in the month
of Ramadan.
3. Zakah:
The payment of purifying
All rich Muslims must give
zakah to the poor and
those who are in need.
5. Hajj:
The pilgrimage. A Muslim visits the Ka’bah at least
once in his life for performing Hajj, if he is able to do
These basic duties are known as the five pillars of
Islam. A building which has five pillars will stand firm.
If all Muslims do these five things well, Islam will be
firm. A Muslim is one who obeys Allah in everything.
He accepts and believes that Allah exists, and that
He is One. He also accepts and believes that
Muhammad ( ) is the Messenger and servant of
Chapter 10/ The Five Pillars of Islam
A. Word Search
Saying Ash-Shhaada
Praying five times a day
Giving money to those who need it
Fasting in the month of Ramadan
Visiting the Ka’bah
A mosque is a place in which Muslims pray five
times a day.
The Arabic word for mosque is masjid.
When it is time for salah, the mu’adh-dhin calls out
the adhan from the masjid. The adhan is a call for
prayer. Some mosques are small. Some mosques
are very big. If you go to a big mosque, you will find
several watertaps in one place. These watertaps
are for Muslims to make wudhu before starting to
chapter 11 / Al-Masjid (The Mosque)
You should enter the mosque with the right foot first,
Bismillaah, wassalaatu wassalaamu ’alaa
rasoolillaah. Allaahummaftah lee abwaaba
(In the name of Allah and prayers and peace be
upon Allah’s Messenger. O Allah, open the gates of
Your mercy for me].
You should take off your shoes or sandals and leave
them at the entrance to the mosque. Mosques
today have racks in them for shoes. In the prayer
hall, there is a niche, called the
The mihraab shows the direction of the qiblah.
The qiblah is the direction towards
which we pray. The mihraab
shows us where the qiblah is so we
may face it when praying.
Chapter 11/ Al-Masjid (The Mosque)
The mosque should be kept clean. Before going to
the mosque, you must make sure that your body
and clothes are clean and that they do not smell
The mosque is a place of worship. Do not eat or
drink in a mosque. It is not a place for taking meals
or drinks.
After salah, leave the mosque with the left foot first,
Bismillaah, wassalaatu wassalaamu ’alaa
rasoolillaah. Allaahumma innee as’aluka min fadlik.
(In the name of Allah and prayers and peace be
upon Allah’s Messenger. O Allah, I ask you of Your
Al-Masjid (The Mosque)
*put true or false
• It is OK to throw bits of paper in the masjid.
• We must keep our masjid clean and tidy.
• I must take my shoes off inside the masjid.
• The mihraab is a niche in one of the walls of the masjid.
• If you face the mihraab you will be facing the qiblah.
C. For ent ering or leaving?
Which of the following du’aa is said when entering the masjid
and which one is said when leaving it ?
Memorize both these du’aas so that you can recite them the next
time you go to the masjid; this will make Allah happy with you.
Al-Adhan (The Call to Prayer)
The mu’adh-dhin calls out the adhan five times a
day in the mosque.
Muslims then get ready to offer salah.
The adhan reminds the Muslims that it is time for
When you hear the adhan, you should prepare
yourself for salah. You should leave aside whatever
you may be doing at that time as soon as possible.
The wording of the adhan is:
Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar
Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great
Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar
Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great
ash-hadu allaa-ilaaha illallaah
I testify that there is no god but Allah
ash-hadu allaa-ilaaha illallaah
I testify that there is no god but Allah