
Chapter 4 
Allah is All-Hearing (as-Samee’) 
Allah created us. 
He created the world and everything in it. 
Allah is All-Powerful. 
He created us. 
He guides us. 
He gives us food. 
He gives us drink. 
When we are ill, He is the One who cures us. 
He gives life. 
He causes death. 
He forgives our mistakes. 
He hears our prayers. 
And how well He hears! 
Yes, Allah hears everything whether we say it quitely 
or loudly. He even hears the silent cry of the heart. 
He hears even a whisper. He hears our prayers even 
if we don’t use any words. He alone has the power 
to hear us so wonderfully. 
Chapter 4 
Allah is All-Hearing (as-samee’)
Nobody else can hear as Allah does! 
Allah hears us; He hears everything. 
He is so wonderful a Hearer that He hears all the 
people in the world at the same time. 
We can pray to Allah in our five daily prayers. 
But it is wonderful to pray to Him at anytime of the 
day and night. 
We can pray to Him in our beds. 
We can pray to Him in our cars. 
We can pray to Him wherever we are! 
Chapter 4 
‘Allah is All-Hearing (as-Samee’) 
You can pray to Him to make your daily work easy. 
You can pray to Him to get you out of your troubles 
and problems. 
You can pray to Him to 
make your wishes come 
Ask Him for help. 
Ask only Him for help. 
You can ask Him for help quietly or loudly. He hears 
everything all the time. And how well He hears! 
Allah can hear us even without moving 
our lips. 
He is as-Samee’
To believe in Him and 
to have faith in Him is 
a part of our Iman. 
Chapter 4 
Allah is All-Hearing (as-Samee’) 
1 . Allah is All-Hearing. He is …….

  1. Allah can hear us, He is All- ……..


  1. Ask only Allah for down 


  1. Who answers our prayer? 


  1. To have in Allah is part of our iman. 


  1. We can pray to Allah at any time of the day and 

Chapter 5
Iman – The Faith of a Muslim 
Iman is an Arabic word. It means faith. 
Faith means complete trust in someone. It means if 
you have faith in someone, you believe in him with 
all your heart, and you do not have any doubt 
about it. 
Remember doubt and faith are two opposite 
things. If you have doubt in something, you believe 
that it might not be true. Iman is a state in which the 
heart accepts the truth and lives by it. 
Chapter 5 
Iman – The Faith of a Muslim
The heart believes in the truth. The lips and tongue 
declare the truth, and the limbs carry out what the 
truth requires. 
Faith (Iman) is light. 
Doubt is darkness. 
A Muslim has 
faith (Iman) in: 
1 . 
2 . 

4 . 
5 . 
6 .
His Angels 
His Books 
His Messengers 
The Day of Judgement 
Divine Destiny — in the truth that everything 
good or bad comes from Allah 
Chapter 5
Iman – The Faith of a Muslim 

  1. Write answers to the following questions 

in the grid below. 
C — 
1 . is an Arabic word. It means faith. 

  1. Faith means complete in someone. 


  1. Iman is…….. .Doubt is darkness.

Chapter 5 
Iman – The Faith of a Muslim 

  1. A Muslim has faith (iman ) in – 



  1. His A 


  1. His B 


  1. His M 


  1. The D of J 


  1. D D 

The Faith of a Muslim 

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