How to learn the Noorani Qaida for adults The Noorani Qaida is an educational and training course dedicated to teaching children the principles of the Arabic language gradually, up to the various advanced stages, so that the child can pronounce the letters in their correct exits, and the child can read the Holy Qur’an with skill and intonation. Teaching children Al-Qaida Al-Noorani from the age of 5 to 7 years, and the process of teaching it continues for several consecutive months.
How to learn the Noorani Qaida for adults
During these months, the student receives the basics of reading single and compound letters to be ready later to read the Noble Qur’an in a correct manner and perfect recitation. This method is characterized by the fact that it begins with the correct sequence in teaching reading, as it begins with teaching the pronunciation of single letters, then compound letters, and then vowels.
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It is worth mentioning that Sheikh Noor Muhammad Haqqani is the founder of this method of education, and after that Sheikh Fath Muhammad Al-Madani added some modifications to facilitate its study and teaching. education.

Learn Tajweed Quran
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The Noorani way to teach reading and writing
Reading and writing skills are directly related to each other, as the child must learn the shape of the letters and their pronunciation in order to be able to read, and once he recognizes these letters, it is easy for him to write by drawing these letters only, and the light rule is one of the best and easiest ways to help the child to Learning to read and write, because it is from scratch and initially focuses on learning the pronunciation of the letters of the alphabet as they are pronounced in the table of letters, and the transition to the second stage is only after mastering the first stage. It is worth mentioning that this method is one of the oldest methods of education, as it was used in the past in the book before The spread and emergence of schools.
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The goal of Al-Qaida Al-Noorani
- Teaching the child to read the alphabets correctly and straightening the tongue for adults.
- Accelerate children’s learning to read with less effort.
- Make children enjoy reading and the Holy Quran.
- Deepening the provisions of intonation in children.
- Improving the level of awareness and cognition of the child at an early age.
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