
How do I learn Tajweed Quran, Tajweed is related to mastery and improvement during reading, while Tajweed is the science that researches how letters are pronounced.

And be concerned with the exits of the ways and the prescriptions of the letters and all the rulings presented to them in all cases, and what is meant by these cases is the endowment, the beginning, the cutting, the joining and others.

Since we are referring to recitation, and as we started in the introduction to our conversation, we must explain the most important matters related to intonation, as recitation is one of the degrees of intonation.

How do I learn Tajweed Quran

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And whoever wants to improve his recitation, he is asked to improve its intonation, that is, to know the rulings of recitation related to the rulings of the static and tanween.

As well as the provisions of the consonants meme, and the exits of the letters and their attributes, in addition to the extended and others.

Tajweed rule

We can divide Tajweed into two aspects, the theoretical one related to knowing, memorizing and understanding the rules of the rulings of Tajweed, and that is an obligation of kifaya.

How do I learn Tajweed Quran

As for the other side, it is practical that focuses on applying the tajweed theoretical rules while reciting the Quran, and it is a duty for everyone who reads the Holy Quran.

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