Are there any benefits of reciting Quran in Ramadan?
Before answering this question, we have to know thatRamadan is the Month of the Quran as known by allMuslims all over the World.There are many benefits of reciting the Quran in Ramadan.We will mention some of these benefits.Before knowing these benefits, we have to realize thatreciting the Quran has a great reward from Allah no onecan deny this, but doing this in Ramadan has more andmore rewards.What is the cause of naming Ramadan “thethe month of the Quran”?God almighty said in his great book “The Holy Quran”:شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنزِلَ فِيهِ الْقُرْآنُ هُدًى لِّلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَاتٍ مِّنَ الْهُدَىٰ وَالْفُرْقَانِThis verse means that Allah has revealed the Quran as awhole in Ramadan especially on laylat alQadr, and thenAllah revealed parts of it on his messenger Muhammad(SAW) in Ramadan.The first time of Quran revelation on our beloved ProphetMuhammad (SAW) was also on laylat alQadr.We are here to know more about the benefits of recitingQuran in Ramadan.What are the benefits of reciting Quran in Ramadan?In Ramadan, It is preferred to recite the Quran frequentlyespecially in a group in the mosque.To get some of these benefits, we have to renew ourintentions before reciting the Quran.Renewing the intentions means to decide inside you thatdoing this good deed is only for Allah and no one exceptfor Allah. It also means you recite the Quran as this is theword of Allah, he will reward you for each letter and suchreward is multiplied by ten.● You will get Allah’s satisfaction, as you recite the wordof him which revealed on His Messenger Muhammad(SAW).● Our Prophet Muhammad said: “The fast and theQuran will intercede for the servant on the day ofJudgment, the fast will say “Oh Allah, I preventedhim from food and drink, so let me intercede forhim, and the Quran will say “oh Allah, I prevented himfrom sleeping at night, so let me intercede for him,so Allah will allow them to intercede.”Those are some of the benefits of reciting Quran at alltimes, what about reciting it in Ramadan?● In Ramadan Allah opens the Paradise doors, andcloses the fire doors, so every Muslim has to keep onreciting the Quran in this great Month in order to winParadise.● One of the benefits of reciting Quran in Ramadan isthe escape from hunger and thirst.● Reciting the Quran in Ramadan also clears the sins,and gives us a chance to start over.● Also Salaf used to recite the Quran in Ramadanfollowing the example of their beloved ProphetMuhammad (SAW), and complete reciting the wholeQuran more than one time.So, it is important to say that there are many benefits ofreciting Quran in Ramadan, which are more than those onnormal days.Don’t give up reciting the Quran in Ramadan, but youhave to recite it not only with your tongue but also withyour heart.