
Conditions for reading the Quran

  Conditions for reading the Quran, the Prophet – may Allah bless HIM and grant HIM peace – complied with what was stipulated in the Holy Quran By obeying the rulings in it, adhering to the morals he urged, adhering to the morals and calling people to it.   Therefore, it is appropriate for a Muslim to follow the guidance of the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant HIM peace – in dealing with the Holy Quran, and keenness to act upon it and be guided by his guidance. For it is light from Allah, clear and clear Whoever clings to it and walks on it will be saved, and whoever adheres to it is guided to the straight path.   Imam al-Nawawi – may Allah have mercy on HIM – said when he mentioned the manifestations of veneration of the Noble Quran: “Muslims are unanimously agreed that the dear Quran must be venerated, honored, and preserved.”   Therefore, the bearer of the Quran should make it the spring of his heart, so he should be polite when reciting it and behave with good morals. Among the things that are obligatory for a Muslim in the right of the Noble Quran: recite it, contemplate it, understand its meanings, and act according to what it contains.  

Conditions for reading the Quran

It is permissible to read the Noble Quran from a hadith of a smaller hadith Imam al-Nawawi – may Allah have mercy on HIM – conveyed consensus on that. He said:   The Muslims are unanimously agreed that it is permissible to recite the Quran for the hadith of the hadith, and it is better for him to purify and purify the youngest of it.   Safety from menstruation and postpartum. The scholars differed regarding the ruling on a menstruating woman reciting the Quran. An exception is made by means of supplication and remembrance without intending to recite. The following is an explanation of what each of the jurisprudential schools of thought goes to:   Faucet: They said that it is not permissible to read the Quran by menstruating women or women after childbirth with the intention of reading, contrary to the intention of the mention, and they cited the hadith previously mentioned.  


They said that it is permissible to read the Quran to a menstruating woman if there is a lot of blood on her. Whether it was junub or not, whether you feared forgetfulness or not.   This is the accepted opinion, as Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah – may Allah have mercy on HIM – also said that it is permissible for a menstruating woman to read the Quran, because the basic principle in any work is permissibility as long as there is no evidence that prevents the permissibility, and there is no evidence preventing the menstruating woman from reading the Quran.   Ibn Taymiyyah stated that there were no explicit texts affirming the prohibition of reading the Quran for a menstruating woman and that Allah commanded the reading of the Quran, explaining the merit of reading it, and the reward for it, and it is not possible to say that it is forbidden unless there is evidence.   Preventing a menstruating woman from reading the Quran will waste a lot of reward and reward on her, and she may forget something of it by leaving it, and it is not correct to measure the menstruating woman on one’s siblings, as sin can remove the barrier by choice.   This is unlike the menstruating woman, just as the period of menstruation may belong, unlike the side of the person who must perform ablution in the presence of prayer time.   Shafi: They said that it is not permissible to read the Quran for a menstruating woman. They quoted as evidence a weak hadith reported on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar – may Allah be pleased with them – on the authority of the Messenger of Allah – may Allah bless HIM and grant HIM peace – who said:   (A menstruating woman or one who is junub should not recite anything from the Quran).   Hanbali: They said that it is not permissible to touch the Quran by a menstruating woman. Based on his saying – Glory and Exalted : (Only the purified ones touch him), and they also said that it is forbidden for a menstruating woman to read the Quran at all. As evidence for the hadith quoted by the Shafi’is.   How to purity from impurity The scholars have explained the ruling on reading the Quran to someone who has become impurity, and explains what they went to next:   Faucet: They said that it is not permissible for a junub to recite the Quran, and al-Tahawi mentioned that it is permissible for a junub to recite some of the verses.   Praise, basmalah, praise, remembrance of Allah, or supplication, because the prohibition is specific to the Quran only.   Ownership: They said that impurity is forbidden to read the Quran, and Imam Malik emphasized that the janb only recites one or two verses from the Quran by way of mentioning, for example, sleeping, seeking refuge, and the like, as long as it is not a matter of recitation.   Shafi: They said that it is prohibited to read the Quran to one who is impurity. Either verbally, or with reference to whoever was dumb, and the judge said in his fatwa that it is like pronouncing, even if it is some of the verse, such as the letter, in order to violate the veneration, and it is permissible for the person to review the Quran in his heart without uttering it.   It is also permissible for him to look through the Quran, as well as to recite the dhikr present in the Quran, by which the remembrance is intended and not the recitation. For example – by way of supplication and not reading – saying:   Allah Almighty says: (Lord, give us good in this world and in the hereafter good, and save us the torment of fire).   Likewise, Allah Almighty says: (Subhaan who mocked this for us, and for which we were not paired).   See More: Our courses  Our Article: Blog

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