
Memorizing the Holy Quran by repetition: Memorizing the Holy Quran is one of the best deeds that bring a servant closer to his Lord, and it should be noted that every science must be preserved.

And conservation is not achieved except by repetition, and in this way perfection, fixation, and lack of forgetting are achieved, as the good deeds and wages increase, and multiply.

Repetition achieves memorization and great rewards, and the following is an explanation of many methods that help a Muslim complete memorizing the Holy Quran, and his commitment to revision, mastery, and confirmation:

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Memorizing the Holy Quran by repetition
Memorizing the Holy Quran by repetition

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Memorizing the Holy Quran by repetition

First method:

Preservation by sequencing, or so-called sequential preservation; It consists of identifying specific verses for memorization, then starting to memorize the first verse.

And repeating it several times until the completion of its memorization, and it is better to repeat it twenty times for those who are not accustomed to memorizing, then read it in the absence of the back of the heart more than once. To mastery.

Then the rest of the verses that were identified were first memorized by repetition, as the first verse was memorized, and then the verses that were memorized were linked to each other.

Then repeat the verses in full more than once until they are mastered, then read them in the absence of the heart more than once as well.

After that, the verses that have been memorized are recited.

By looking at the Quran five times, and likewise in absentia, while making sure to recite the verses in the prayers and before going to sleep.

Method two:

Memorizing the Quran by means of compilation, which is called collocation memorization. This is achieved first by determining what will be memorized, then starting to memorize the first verse by repeating.

Then moving on to the second verse, and memorizing it in the same way, as well as the rest of the specific verses until the completion of all the specified verses.

After that, it is imperative to recite all the verses that have been memorized more than once.

By looking at the Quran, then repeating it in the absence of the heart several times, to the point of perfection.

It should be noted that this method is less well established than the first method. Because the hafiz did not link the

verses to each other during his memorization.

Which may lead to forgetting some verses, although this method is suitable for those who were quick to memorize; It

saves time and effort, but it is not recommended for beginners to memorize.

The third method:

It is represented by objective preservation, or divided preservation. And it is by choosing verses that talk about one

interconnected topic, or refer to a single meaning.

Or the connotation is interconnected, then beginning to interpret it, understand its meanings, then begin to memorize

it with concentration and repetition.

It is preferable that the number of repetitions is not less than twenty times, with the same method being followed in

the remaining verses until all verses are completed, and then read more than once.

By looking at the Quran, and likewise, without a heart, then reviewing what he has memorized the next day, and

beginning to memorize others.

The same applies to the rest of the verses until the completion of memorizing a surah, for example.

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