
Tajweed teaching the Quran for beginners, Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, sent down the Holy Quran to his worshipers, made it comfortable for them, an answer to all their questions made his readers a special place in his paradise, and ordered them to recite it and recite it because he will come as an intercessor for them on the Day of Resurrection.

Tajweed teaching the Quran for beginners

However, most people do not master the correct method of recitation, taking into account the rulings of intonation. Therefore, we have devoted this article to explaining the static rulings of a nun, tannin, and mim.

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Tajweed teaching the Quran for beginners

Tajweed teaching the Quran for beginners

The consonant nun and the Tanween

The consonant nun is a letter from the Arabic alphabet, which comes in any of the syllables of the word, and is constant in pronunciation and writing, while the tanunun is a consonant noun that comes plus at the end of the word, and differs in pronunciation and waqf, which is a form of two or two or two fractions.

The static nun

It comes in verbs, nouns, and letters, while the tanun comes only in nouns.

The static nun is constant

Whether in the endowment or the wasl, while the tanun is replaced by the thousand by two movements in the case of the waqf, and it is pronounced only in the wasl.

Noon and the provisions of the static Tanween

The Hamza with the consonant noun, such as: (Yan’an), and with the Tanween, such as: (Everyone is safe).

Distraction with the static nun, such as: (among them) and with the Tanween, such as: (And every people has a guide).

Al-Ain with the static nun, such as: (softened), and with the tinween, such as: (Hearing, Knowing).

H with the static nun, such as: (and slaughtered), and with the tinween, such as: (All-Knowing, Wise).

Gin with the consonant noun, such as: (they will shake), and with the tinween, such as: (And Lord is Forgiving).

Khaa with the consonant nun, such as: (from disagreement) and with the tinween, such as: (knowledgeable, expert).

Mim static provisions

Tajweed teaching the Quran for beginners

Verbal concealment:

In it, the letter Meem and Ba are pronounced orally if the Ba’a is followed by the letter Meem, which is consonant in one word or in two words, whether it is an original meme such as the word (to pray to Allah), or an additional meme such as (with whom you are believers).

Compulsion is obligatory:

The static meme, followed by a movable meme, is pronounced as a single taut one, such as: (You have what is on the earth).

Oral presentation:

The consonant meme is pronounced if any letter of the spelling comes after it, except for Meem and Ba, and examples of it are: (adaman), (or command them), (correct).

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