The Noon sakinah is a Noon without any vowel ( dammah , fatha , kasrah )
– remains unchanged in the written form and as well as in pronunciation when continuing to read after it and when stopping.
– This noon has a sukoon above it or can be written without a vowel
*Examples 🙁 ْن OR ن )
مَنْ ءَامَنْ مِن شَرّ مِنْ عَادٍ
– The appearance of Noon sakinah occurs in nouns and verbs in the middle or at the end of the word and occurs only at the end of the words in the letters and trajectories.
*The applied rules to Noon sakinah and Noon tanween :
- Tanween is the term for an extra noon sakinah that was not used to confirm, found at the end of the nouns when you continue reading, but absent from the noun in the written form (this noon is pronounced and it is not written).
- Al-Ith-har (clarity and appearance)
- Al-Idgham (fusion and assimilation)
- Al-Iqlaab (shifting and changing)
- Al-Ikhfaa’ (hiding)