Quran Grammar, Learn & Understand Arabic Grammar For Beginners & Intermediate Levels.
Using Lisanul Quran’s textbook, this course provides easy and understandable Arabic grammar.
Arabic grammar courses. using Al-Kitab Lisaan Ul-Quran Book.

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Online Tajweed classes
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- Parent Account to watch your children.
- Read the course textbook directly in your account.
- A complete course structure, so you recognize where your child is and where they’re going.
- Practice center to review what they learn.
- Easy access to your classes and teacher from anywhere!
- Account access to grades, reports, and managing your classes.
- Male and feminine Arabic teachers available.
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Details About The Course
Units include:
- The word and its classification.
- Definite and Indefinite.
- Masculine and female.
- Singular, Dual, Plural words.
- Arabic sentence, prepositions, pronouns, and adjectives.
- Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs, past.
- Numbers.
- Vocabulary.