
How does a child memorize the Quran, The first and fastest way and means to memorize the Noble Quran for the child is for him to live in an environment of faith that loves the Quran and reads it constantly.

The matter that loves the child in memorizing the Holy Quran, because his family and his mother and father follow this approach, the task will be easy, and the child will be able to memorize the Holy Quran with the help of his family faster.

How does a child memorize the Quran

Add to that the enrichment of the child and draw his attention to the importance and benefit of his learning and memorizing the Holy Quran by his parents first and everyone around him.

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Because he can start memorizing the Quran at an age before school, the other thing that helps the child to memorize the Holy Quran is his educational environment.

How does a child memorize the Quran

It is important that the child’s school educational environment be close and complementary to his life and his environment at home, that is, the basis of its curricula is the Islamic religion, and one of its priorities is to follow the religious culture of learners and follow up on their memorization of the Holy Quran.

And he made the Islamic curriculum a priority of the Ministry of Education,

along with the school, and to promote the child’s memorization of the Holy

Quran, by joining him in the Quran sciences courses and memorizing it in

mosques or religious centers.

This creates a spirit of competition among children, as they are a group who

seek one goal, which is to memorize the Holy Quran.

How does a child memorize the Quran

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