
Gateway To Arabic Book For Reading And Writing The Arabic.


  • Recognition of Arabic letters in their isolated form.
  • Formulation of letters in their written isolate form, with clear arrows to point the right writing direction.
  • The three short vowels: fatha, kasra, and damma.
  • The recognition and formulation of letters in their joined forms.
  • Nunation (al-tanween).
  • The three long vowels (al-madd).
  • Al-sukun.
  • Al-shadda.
  • The sun and moon letters (al-huruf al-shamsiyyah wa’l-qamariyyah), and their associated rules.
  • Al-alif al-measure.
  • Al-hamza.

Gateway To Arabic Book


Gateway to Arabic Book One teaches the talents necessary for reading and writing Arabic.

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  • Parent Account to watch your children.
  • Read the course textbook directly in your account.
  • A complete course structure, so you recognize where your child is and where they’re going.
  • Practice center to review what they learn.
  • Easy access to your classes and teacher from anywhere!
  • Account access to grades, reports, and managing your classes.

Details About The Course

Not every student can fly over to Egypt to review Arabic at Al-Azhar. Then, what’s the simplest alternative? How can your kid improve his Arabic vocabulary? We’ve got the right solution for you.

If you would like your child to find out the Arabic so he can study the Quran, if you would like to understand the way to learn Arabic, or if you only want them to be in-tuned with their Arabic roots, you’ve got come to the proper place.

The fastest thanks to finding out how to talk Arabic We developed singular pedagogics that creates learning a replacement language fun, easy, and exciting.


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Kids teachers adults academy tutors female courses male home qualified world trial provides live studies expert memorize Islamic institute experienced today course understand providing study tutor register now online on site Rattilonline.com.

Our online Arabic courses created especially for teenagers by our prestigious teachers at Studio Arabiya will guide them to master the Arabic (fus’ha) on all levels: speaking, understanding, reading, and writing.

You don’t need to worry about the present level of Arabic knowledge your kid has, our courses are for all levels from beginners to advanced.

We’ve gone to great lengths to make an efficient online course that basically delivers results and with an excellent team of teachers.

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