
Online Quran classes

  Online Quran classes, to begin with, on our Institute  rattilonline we guide the student who wishes to memorize the Noble Quran and introduce him to the general rules and basic rules for memorizing the Holy Quran, which is as follows:  
  1. Sincerity in his learning and teaching: “They are only commanded to worship Allah and sincerely to HIM the religion” (but actions are by intentions), in addition to finding a motive of faith and a firm desire to memorize the Holy Quran.
  1. Preservation in childhood, such as engraving in stone.
  1. Choose the place of preservation and the time of preservation.
  1. Recitation of the Quran, and considering correcting the reading in advance of memorization.
  1. Restricting to one edition of the Quran, and it is preferable for the Quran that ends at the end of the page and focusing attention during memorization on the verses to be printed on the pages of the mind.
  1. The process of linking verses leads to coherent memorization, and comprehensive understanding is the path of integrated memorization, and the repetition process protects the new memorization from escaping and escaping.
  1. Daily organized memorization is better than intermittent memorization, and slow and quiet memorization is better than rapid and impulsive ones. Focusing on similarities drives confusion in memorization.
  1. Good association with Online Quran classes.
  1. Associating memorization and reading with work, and the imperative to leave sins and obedience imperative.
  1. The necessity of continuous review to install the archive.
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Online Quran classes


1- The collective method:

This requires students to be at one level, so the teacher determines a certain amount for all students of the circle, and the teacher recites it to the students first an exemplary recitation recited by the teacher, then selects the distinguished students to repeat each of them separately reciting that much, then the rest of the students individually recite that much, To be recited by them to the teacher later. This method can be applied in regular schools, scientific and Quran institutes, qualifying courses, and closed Quran centers. It also applies to students who are beginners and who do not know how to read from the Quran.  

This method has pros and cons:


Pros of this method:

  • Raising the level of performance and maintaining the provisions of intonation, due to the listening of students when reading the teacher, as well as when reading distinguished students.
  • Reducing the proportion of both types of melody (clear and hidden) and the ease of memorizing verses, due to the frequent repetition that the student hears by the teacher and students.
  • They sharpened the slow-keeping and pushed them to go along with their colleagues.
  • Ease of use of the illustrations to clarify judgments and warn of errors.
  • The teacher’s ability to follow students’ performance, memorization, and behavior well.
  • The ability to explain the meanings of ambiguous words, interpret some verses, and guide students to their practical application.
  Hich students repeat the verses behind those who read the verses they hear from him in a clear voice. It is applied to students who cannot read in the Quran, or junior students, or the rest of the students in the collective method at times.   Services learn Quran simple certified leading register tarteel ladies and kids and man help staff global special improve.  

It also has its pros and cons:


Positives :

  • Ridding students’ tongues from speech defects such as tongue aphasia, stuttering, stuttering, and so on.
  • Acquainting students with the terms and signs included in the Quran, such as endowment signs, tide, parties, and prostrations.
  • Accentuate the words they find difficult
  • Enabling those who cannot read and write to memorize what is available from the Holy Quran.
  • Training students on how to endowment on the vowel, vowel, or weighted letter, or decree with ta or distraction, when standing on it, and training them on how to start after the endowment.
  • Training students in an incorrect reading.
  • Introduce students to basic rulings of Tajweed and how to apply them when most of them are passed upon reading.

Among the negatives:

  • Raise students’ voices, which affect the rest of the episodes, if any.
  • The voices of some weak students disappear behind the voices of their classmates, so they do not repeat with them.
  • Not taking into account individual differences among students.

4- The collective method of reciprocation:

It is possible to combine the collective and recurring method for novice students who do not know how to read in the Quran, or even advanced ones in some cases, by following the following method:   The teacher attracts students’ attention by mentioning an introduction to the surah or verses with a story, or hadith, or mentioning the overall meanings, or mentioning the reward of recitation in general, and those surah’s or verses in particular so that it attracts their attention and raises their desire to pay attention to the verses and recite and memorize them.   The teacher reads the verses in a typical reading, taking into account the rulings, standing, and starting, in a sincere, moving tone.   The teacher and the students behind him begin by repeating the verses, taking into account the shortness of the syllables, so that the same students are taken into consideration while choosing suitable places for stopping and starting.   The teacher asks some of the prominent students to re-read the verses in the same way that the teacher started   The teacher listens to another number of students to see their understanding and empowerment.   Students are given an opportunity for individual memorization during class.   The teacher listens to students who memorized the verses or surah during the remainder of the class.   Listen to the rest of the students at the start of the second lesson.   See More : Our courses  Our Artical : Blog  

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