
Surat Al-Kaafiroon

In the Name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful 1. Say: “O you disbelievers, 2. I do not worship what you worship, Surat Al-Kaafiroon In the Name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful 1. Say: “O you disbelievers, 2. I do not worship what you worship, 3. Nor will you worship what I worship. 4. Nor will I worship what you are worshipping, 5. Nor will you worship what I am worshipping. 6. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.” This surah, which consists of six brief verses, was revealed in Makkah. It expresses one single subject: Nothing must be worshipped besides Allah. The Makkans who opposed the Prophet’s message used to try to make compromises or deals with him now and then to change the teachings of Islam. In one of these attempts, the Quraysh invited the Prophet () to worship their idols for a year and they would in turn worship Allah for a year. So Allah revealed this surah, in which He commands the Prophet () to keep himself away from the idolaters and their false gods. In this surah, Almighty Allah commands the Prophet () to reject Shirk and to affirm Tawheed. “For you is your religion” means the Shirk that you follow; “and for me is my religion” means Tawheed and Islam which I follow and which I do not reject. Allah’s Messenger () used to recite this surah in the first rak’ah and surah al-lkhlas in the second rak’ah of the Sunnah prayer of Salat al-Fajr. He would also perform the Witr prayer by reciting Surat al-A’Iaa in the first rak’ah, Surat al-Kaafiroon in the second one and Surat al-lkhlas in the third one. It is important to note that the Prophet () criticized idol worship strongly, but he never used foul or obscene language. His manners were too good to allow any use of rude or obscene language.


A. Are these statements true or false? 1. Al-Kaafiroon means the disbelievers. 2. The subject of this surah is that ease will 3. This surah was revealed in Madinah. 4. The Prophet Muhammad () criticized 5. Shirk is the opposite of Tawheed. B. Answer these questions. 1. Who wanted the Prophet () to change the teachings of Islam? 2. What deal did they try to make with the Prophet ()? 3. What does this surah teach you? 4. How did the Prophet () denounce idol worship? C. Memorization Learn this surah by heart. The Quraysh Make Offers and the Prophet’s Reply The chiefs of Makkah soon realized that in spite of their opposition, the followers of Prophet Muhammad () were increasing. They were moulding themselves into a separate community. The wise among them recognized that the problem they faced would unlikely vanish. Utbah ibn Rabee’ah was one of the leaders in Makkah. He was one of the first to realize that Islam was getting stronger despite all the attempts of the Quraysh to stop its progress. One day, Utbah was sitting with a group of important men of Makkah. The Prophet () was sitting alone close to the Ka’bah. Utbah suggested to his friends, “Let us approach Muhammad with some offers. It is quite likely that he may accept one or the other. If he does, this will end our problem with him.” Utbah went to the Prophet () and said to him, “My nephew, you know you have a position of high esteem and noble birth among us, but you have come to yourpeople with something which split them up. You have discredited their way of life, found fault with their gods and religion and spoken ill of their forefathers. Now listen to me. I am making you some offers. I would like you to consider them. You may find one of them acceptable.” The Prophet ( ) asked him to make his offers. Utbah said, “My nephew, if you are doing this to make money out of it, we will give you so much of our wealth that you will become the richest person among us. If it is the position and honor that you are seeking, we will make you our chief. If you want to be a king, we will make you our king. If you are possessed, we will spend all we have to seek a cure for you.” Allah’s Messenger () listened to Utbah attentively. When he stopped, the Prophet () asked him whether he had finished. Utbah said, “Yes.” The Prophet () asked him to listen to what he had to say. The Prophet ( ) then recited the first thirty-eight verses of Surat Fussilat (surah 41 of the Qur’an). Utbah listened attentively. When the Prophet () finished his recitation, he prostrated himself to Allah, before saying to Utbah, “You have heard what I had to say. Now you can do whatever you like.” Utbah left quietly. He went to his people who realized as they saw him coming that a change had come over him. He said to them, “I have heard something the like of which I have never heard in my life. It is neither poetry, nor sorcery, nor has it to do with soothsaying. Take my advice and leave this man alone. What I heard will bring great events. If the rest of the Quraysh kill him, they will spare you the trouble. If he wins, that will be your victory.” They remarked, “He has certainly thrown a spell over you.” Utbah said, “I have given you my opinion.” But the Quraysh were not prepared to listen to the words of wisdom.


A. Which surah did Prophet () recite to Utbah? B. Answer these questions. 1. What did Utbah accuse the Prophet () of? 2. What are the various things Utbah offered the Prophet ()? 3. What advice did he give his people? 4. Did the Quraysh take Utbah’s advice? 3. Nor will you worship what I worship. 4. Nor will I worship what you are worshipping, 5. Nor will you worship what I am worshipping. 6. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.” This surah, which consists of six brief verses, was revealed in Makkah. It expresses one single subject: Nothing must be worshipped besides Allah. The Makkans who opposed the Prophet’s message used to try to make compromises or deals with him now and then to change the teachings of Islam. In one of these attempts, the Quraysh invited the Prophet () to worship their idols for a year and they would in turn worship Allah for a year. So Allah revealed this surah, in which He commands the Prophet () to keep himself away from the idolaters and their false gods. In this surah, Almighty Allah commands the Prophet () to reject Shirk and to affirm Tawheed. “For you is your religion” means the Shirk that you follow; “and for me is my religion” means Tawheed and Islam which I follow and which I do not reject. Allah’s Messenger () used to recite this surah in the first rak’ah and surah al-lkhlas in the second rak’ah of the Sunnah prayer of Salat al-Fajr. He would also perform the Witr prayer by reciting Surat al-A’Iaa in the first rak’ah, Surat al-Kaafiroon in the second one and Surat al-lkhlas in the third one. It is important to note that the Prophet () criticized idol worship strongly, but he never used foul or obscene language. His manners were too good to allow any use of rude or obscene language.


A. Are these statements true or false? 1. Al-Kaafiroon means the disbelievers. 2. The subject of this surah is that ease will 3. This surah was revealed in Madinah. 4. The Prophet Muhammad () criticized 5. Shirk is the opposite of Tawheed. B. Answer these questions. 1. Who wanted the Prophet () to change the teachings of Islam? 2. What deal did they try to make with the Prophet ()? 3. What does this surah teach you? 4. How did the Prophet () denounce idol worship? C. Memorization Learn this surah by heart. The Quraysh Make Offers and the Prophet’s Reply The chiefs of Makkah soon realized that in spite of their opposition, the followers of Prophet Muhammad () were increasing. They were molding themselves into a separate community. The wise among them recognized that the problem they faced would unlikely vanish. Utbah ibn Rabee’ah was one of the leaders in Makkah. He was one of the first to realize that Islam was getting stronger despite all the attempts of the Quraysh to stop its progress. One day, Utbah was sitting with a group of important men of Makkah. The Prophet () was sitting alone close to the Ka’bah. Utbah suggested to his friends, “Let us approach Muhammad with some offers. It is quite likely that he may accept one or the other. If he does, this will end our problem with him.” Utbah went to the Prophet () and said to him, “My nephew, you know you have a position of high esteem and noble birth among us, but you have come to your people with something which split them up. You have discredited their way of life, found fault with their gods and religion and spoken ill of their forefathers. Now listen to me. I am making you some offers. I would like you to consider them. You may find one of them acceptable.” The Prophet ( ) asked him to make his offers. Utbah said, “My nephew, if you are doing this to make money out of it, we will give you so much of our wealth that you will become the richest person among us. If it is the position and honor that you are seeking, we will make you our chief. If you want to be a king, we will make you our king. If you are possessed, we will spend all we have to seek a cure for you.” Allah’s Messenger () listened to Utbah attentively. When he stopped, the Prophet () asked him whether he had finished. Utbah said, “Yes.” The Prophet () asked him to listen to what he had to say. The Prophet ( ) then recited the first thirty-eight verses of Surat Fussilat (surah 41 of the Qur’an). Utbah listened attentively. When the Prophet () finished his recitation, he prostrated himself to Allah, before saying to Utbah, “You have heard what I had to say. Now you can do whatever you like.” Utbah left quietly. He went to his people who realized as they saw him coming that a change had come over him. He said to them, “I have heard something the like of which I have never heard in my life. It is neither poetry, nor sorcery, nor has it to do with soothsaying. Take my advice and leave this man alone. What I heard will bring great events. If the rest of the Quraysh kill him, they will spare you the trouble. If he wins, that will be your victory.” They remarked, “He has certainly thrown a spell over you.” Utbah said, “I have given you my opinion.” But the Quraysh were not prepared to listen to the words of wisdom.


A. Which surah did Prophet () recite to Utbah? B. Answer these questions. 1. What did Utbah accuse the Prophet () of? 2. What are the various things Utbah offered the Prophet ()? 3. What advice did he give his people? 4. Did the Quraysh take Utbah’s advice?

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