
Ways to learn Tajweed Quran, To read the Noble Quran, there are special methods that have become popular among readers and students, and we can get acquainted with them in this humble participation.

Perhaps we may quote their effects on an approach to learning and teaching the book of Allah Almighty, so your best is from learning the Quran and its knowledge.

Ways to learn Tajweed Quran

How much honor has the preservation of the Book of Allah attained, and how much pride in the one who taught the recitations he gained the first, the pride and the honor, and he became with the honorable and skilled traveler with the sincerity of his motivation and sincerity of his intention he attains what Allah promised him of high status and high rank when he is told to him:

Read, ascend, and recite as you were reciting in this world, for your status is at the last verse you were reading, Allah made me and you among them, and now with the ways of reading the Quran:

Ways to learn Tajweed Quran

1- Plural in the verse:

So that the reader reads the verse by Qaloon, then comes those who contradict what they said in the verse, going back from the end of the verse to the beginning of it. If he finishes it, then move to the next verse, starting with the imam, they say, and so on.

2- The Maher Method:

It is what Ibn al-Jazari referred to and approved, which is for the reader to read a passage (even a part of a verse) and then fulfill all aspects of the disagreement in the passage.

And it moves to the other verse to complete the reciter or narrator who ended it, and if it ends for Ibn Katheer, for example, he begins with it in the next passage and so on.

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Ways to learn Tajweed Quran

3- Combining the path of the verse and the dowry:

It is the most difficult and possible way for the reader, so that the passage is

the whole verse, and if he finishes it for a specific reader, he begins with it

in the verse that follows it.

4- Letter plural:

It is an easy way, but it is not recognized by the investigators of the reciters,

which is for the reader to read, and if he reaches a place in which there is a

disagreement, he repeats the word in which he is in dispute according to

the aspects of the disagreement, then he continues. And so on.

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