How to teach the Tajweed Quran, the method of teaching the Holy Quran varies according to the age and abilities of the students.
If they are children, the teacher should start spelling Arabic letters with them, then after mastering them, the teacher begins writing individual words for his students and training them to read and correct their pronunciation.
Then, if students mastered spelling and reading, then the teacher can present the Basmalah and Surat Al-Fatiha to them, and train them to recite it.
Then the teacher goes ahead with the short surahs until the student masters it, then moves it to others, and the student and the teacher continues on that, and the teacher does not miss to allocate time to review previous lessons from time to time.

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Methods of teaching the Quran to adults
As for the methods used to teach the Quran to adults, they vary between group recitation after the teacher has taught his students the correct method of recitation, or he sets up competitions among them in which they compete for complete mastery according to each student’s ability.
The Quran can be taught to adults by reading and repeating, so the teacher reads a section of the verse, then students repeat it behind him, and this is a guarantee of correct recitation for poor students.
Etiquette of reciting the Holy Quran
There is a set of etiquette that it is desirable for the reader of the Quran to recite it when reciting it, including:
The sincerity of the intention to God Almighty in the recitation.
Evoking the glory and status of the Quran, and the servant invoking God in recitation.
Clean the reciter mouth with toothpicks before beginning to read.
It is desirable for the recitation to be performed after purification and ablution, while it is permissible for the reader to not perform ablution.
Choosing the appropriate clean place for reciting the Holy Quran.
It is desirable to face the qiblah and to read with reverence, serenity, and the presence of the heart.

Repeating refuge and Basmalah when starting recitation.
Repeating verses and repeating them to ponder them, and sensing the words of God – Glory be to Him – when passing a verse of torment, or passing through a verse of praise to God, and so on.
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